
    About KV

    About PM SHRI KV No.1 Devlali


    Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Devlali is one of the best-equipped schools around Nashik.
    It is situated in the heart of the city in the vast expanse of 15 acres. With one shift from Class I to Class XII, this Vidyalaya has the strength of more than 1500 students and 51 staff on roll and has all along been striving to achieve academic excellence and development in the total personality of the students. It is a three-sections school. The Vidyalaya has all the three streams – Science, Commerce and Humanities one section each. It has molded many teachers, scientists, technocrats, doctors, engineers, and administrators who occupy enviable positions in various walks of life.

    • Name of Lok sabha Constituency : NASHIK
    • Name of Member of Parliament : Hon’ble Sh. Rajabhau Prakash Waje
    • State : MAHARASHTRA
    • The school campus is surrounded by beautiful garden.
    • Students are guided by teachers to develop environment awareness.