
    Academic Planner

    Sr no Exam Classes Months
    1 Periodic Test 1 VI to VIII, X and XII 3rd Week of July
    2 Half Yearly for
    Periodic Test 2
    Periodic Test 1
    VI to VIII
    IX,X and XII
    1st week of October
    3 Periodic Test 2
    Periodic Test 3
    VI to VIII and XI
    2nd week of January
    4 Pre board 1 X and XII 2nd week of December
    5 Pre board 2 X and XII 2nd week of December
    6 Session Ending VI to IX and XI 1st week of March

    1.Academic Plans and Academic Activities 2024-25(document size-2.22MB)

    2.Monthly Activities of 2024-25(document size-744 KB)